One GB is 1024 Megabyte or 1073741824 bytes. You can do the following with 1 GB download limit : 1. An average web page is about 50 kilobytes in size - so you could download around 20,000 web pages for 1 gigabyte. 2. An hour of surfing the web would be around 10 megabytes (200 pages) so you could surf non-stop for about 100 hours for 1 gigabyte. 3. An hour of streamed radio would use about 15-20 megabytes. 4. An hour of streamed video uses around 100-150 megabytes. 5. Playing an online game typically uses about 10-15 megabytes per hour. 6. Emails are very small - so 100 emails would be just 1 megabyte - or 100,000 emails for 1 gigabyte! (of course the attachments count extra) 7. A super-high resolution (5-6 megapixel) digital camera JPEG picture or typical MP3 music file is about 2-3 megabytes so you could download 350-500 of these images/music files for 1 gigabyte. Very few users would actually exceed the download limits set.
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